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Physical Books, eBook, Video, Digital Goods Terms of Service

By purchasing any product from Masters Of Anatomy you agree to the following "Terms Of Service". Below are the 6 main points (if you don't feel like reading the whole page).
1. ebooks/videos are watermarked, do not distribute! Ebooks are "leased" to you, you do not own them.
2. We may deliever ebooks/videos in any format using any delievery method we prefer (Kickstarter/PayPal). We may change our preference at any time.
3. eBook/Video library is purchased "as is" at the date of purchase. We may change the distribution method, format, medium and availability of any and all eBooks/videos at any time without notice.
4. EBooks are non-transferable. Access is sold to the original buyer only. They cannot be gifted, given or transferred to another party.
5. You will not attempt to remove, defeat, access, discover, or interfere in any way whatsoever with the DRM or security features on our products.
6. You will not use our products to train (or index, crawl, scrape, slurp, train, copy,  reference, transmit, mine, store, view) with any type of large-language models, machine learning or A.I (artifical intelligence) or any type of program, software or device with similar functionality.


Last updated: April 1st, 2024


This is an agreement between you and Masters Of Anatomy (2387171 Ontario Inc.). By purchasing or pledging via Kickstarter or PayPal for any ebook/EPUB/ebook PDF/Video or digital book, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If you do not accept the terms of this Agreement, then you may NOT purchase (from or any affiliate website) or collect any digital content that may be included as part or whole of a Kickstarter reward. The terms laid out here supercede and take priority over any other terms of service on affilate websites such as PayPal and Kickstarter.


For the purposes of this Agreement:


1. Masters Of Anatomy ebook/ebook pdf/EPUB/video/digital content.


Upon your download of any ebook/ebook pdf/EPUB/video/digital content Masters Of Anatomy grants you a non-exclusive right to view and display such content solely for your own personal, non-commercial use. Ebook/ebook pdf/EPUB/video/digital content is licensed, not sold, to you by Masters Of Anatomy.


Limitations. You may not sell, resell, copy, transmit, rent, lease, distribute, broadcast, sublicense, or otherwise assign any rights to the ebooks/ebook pdf/EPUB/video/digital content or any portion of it for yourself or any third party, and you may not remove or modify any proprietary notices or labels on the content. In addition, you may not bypass, modify, defeat, or circumvent security features that protect the content.


Watermarks. All ebook/digital pdf/epub/video/digital content are watermarked invisibly/visibly with your Kickstarter and/or PayPal info. You agree to be held liable for any and all damages caused by the distribution of our ebook/ebook pdf/EPUB/video/digital content regardless of your knowledge or consent of such distribution. Damages will be determined by Masters Of Anatomy. All books are uniquely watermarked to a specific user and may include information such as name, address and email.


Delivery Of Content. Masters Of Anatomy will delivery digital content in the manner and style of their choosing in the format and specifications of their choosing with any access limitations and security features of their choosing. We reserve the right to change or modify our delivery methods at anytime and we reserve the right to apply these rules retroactively. You may be requested to authenticate your identity in a manner of our choosing.


2. General


Termination. Your rights under this Agreement will automatically terminate if you fail to comply with any term of this Agreement. In case of such termination, you must cease all use of the ebooks/epub content/digital pdf/digital content, and Masters Of Anatomy may immediately revoke your access to the content without refund of any fees. Masters Of Anatomy's failure to insist upon or enforce your strict compliance with this Agreement will not constitute a waiver of any of its rights.


Governing Language.If this Agreement is translated into a language other than English, the English version will govern and prevail to the extent that there is any conflict or discrepancy.


Disputes/Binding Arbitration. Any dispute or claim arising from or relating to this Agreement will be settled in the courts of Ontario, Canada and is binding under Canadian law. You agree to those terms by entering into this Agreement, using the ebooks/epub content/digital pdf/digital content, or purchasing ebooks/epub content/digital pdf/digital content. All Kickstarter pledges that include ebooks/epub content/digital pdf/digital content are also included.


Limitation of Liability. In no event will Masters Of Anatomy's liability under this Agreement with respect to any claim relating to the purchase of ebooks/epub content/digital pdf/digital content  exceed the amount you actually paid for the content.


Refusal of Service. Masters of Anatomy retains the right to refuse service or terminate service at any time for any reason. Any compensation will be determined by Masters Of Anatomy.


Contact Information. For help with your ebooks/epub content/digital pdf/video/digital content please contact Customer Service by e-mail:


3. More Prohibited Uses


You will not:


(1) access any part of the Services, Content, data or information you do not have permission or authorization to access or for which Masters Of Anatomy has revoked your access;


(2) use robots, spiders, scripts, service, software or any manual or automatic device, tool, or process designed to data mine or scrape the Content, data or information from the Services, or otherwise use, access, or collect the Content, data or information from the Services using automated means;


(3) use the Content for the development of any software program, including, but not limited to, training a machine learning or artificial intelligence (AI) system.


(4) use services, software or any manual or automatic device, tool, or process designed to circumvent any restriction, condition, or technological measure that controls access to the Services in any way, including overriding any security feature or bypassing or circumventing any access controls or use limits of the Services;


(5) cache or archive the Content (except for a public search engine’s use of spiders for creating search indices);


(6) take action that imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our network or infrastructure; and


(7) do anything that could disable, damage or change the functioning or appearance of the Services, including the presentation of advertising.


Engaging in a prohibited use of the Services may result in civil, criminal, and/or administrative penalties, fines, or sanctions against the user and those assisting the user.

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